Paul Bloomberg
Paul Bloomberg is currently a principal, instructional leader and consultant in San Diego,California. He provides staff development for teachers, principals, coaches and school administrators in the area of data driven instruction, student engagement, reading comprehension, writing, student goal setting, academic vocabulary instruction and mathematics. He has great success in helping schools and teachers build structures that support all children. He has a track record of increasing student achievement with schools with high percentages of English learners and students from low socio-economic backgrounds. This past year, in English Language Arts, his school moved 11% of their students from far below basic to basic and they moved 6.5% of their students to proficiency. Under Paul’s leadership in mathematics, they moved 10% of their students out of far below basic to basic and they moved 11.5% of their students to proficiency. He provides support to principals and teachers so they can navigate through the increasing demands of data analysis and the demanding requirements of NCLB. He holds a masters degree from theUniversity of Colorado at Boulder and is currently working on his Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of California, San Diego. Paul believes that you must build on the strengths of individuals in order to get continuous, steady improvement.